Radioactiv Pankakez Homepage
Radioactiv Pankakez Website

About us

We are android developers please tell your friends!
Radioactiv Pankakez Inc. is home to 4 skilled mobile and PC developers. Our (PC) first game was released in 2013, known as Amorphious. To this day, we strive to make fun, quality games. ShaderX Studios is home to all Realista games, all Amorphious games, and all Legends games. Radioactiv Pankakez Studios is home to all Relista games, and many other memorable titles. Radioactiv Pankakez Inc. is partnered with He)( Studios, as the Co-CEO(Trevor Payne), and the CEO of He)( Studios (Chris Bell) are close friends. ShaderX Studios is commonly known for using ShaderX technology in its titles. Radioactiv Pankakez Studios is commonly known for using many Easter Eggs and Refrences in its titles.
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